Nicholas R. Andrews


Personal Injury, DUI, and Criminal Defense Attorney

Attorney Nick Andrews represents clients accused of DUI/DWI and felonies as well as those injured or who have passed away due to negligence.

He is a strong advocate for the rights of those accused, ensuring that their rights are fully protected under the laws of the State of Washington.

As an accomplished personal injury lawyer, he has secured multiple million-dollar-plus settlements for his clients, demonstrating his commitment to obtaining justice and fair compensation for those injured.

Nick is also the Senior Attorney of Counsel at Callahan Law PS, Inc., focusing on DUI Defense for one of the most respected DUI law firms in Washington State.

Professional Attributes

Nick is known and regarded for his compassion, professionalism, integrity, diligence, and most importantly, his unwavering and strong advocacy for his clients.

He has significant experience with clients who struggle with mental health and chemical dependency issues.

Professional Experience

Nick’s professional journey includes presenting at a 2017 Continuing Legal Education seminar on “Defending Drug Cases,” where he addressed treatment issues, drug court, and DOSA issues.

His expertise led him to become a named partner at Campiche Andrews Horne PLLC in 2022.

Professional Associations and Awards

Nick has strong ties and a long record of service in the Pierce County Tacoma Bar Association, as well as Tacoma Pro Bono Legal Services, including:

  • Pierce County Tacoma Bar Association’s Board of Trustees member, 2022-2024
  • NY Times, Lawyers of Distinction Award, 2022
  • Pierce County Tacoma Bar Association’s Board of Trustees member, 2017-2019
  • Pierce County Tacoma Bar Foundation President, 2018 – Present
  • Pierce County Tacoma Bar Foundation Vice President, 2016-2018
  • Pierce County Tacoma, Volunteer Legal Services, 2016-2017
  • Kitsap Legal Services, Volunteer, 2005-2008


A graduate of Seattle’s O’Dea High School and Indiana University (where he received a Bachelor’s Degree in Policy Studies),

Nick earned his JD from Seattle University School of Law in 2008 and was admitted to the Washington State Bar shortly thereafter.

Areas of Practice

Nick represents clients who are charged with felonies in the following categories:

  • Domestic Violence
  • Violent Crime
  • Juvenile Law
  • Sex Crime

talk to our team today

If you feel unsure about seeking legal counsel because of the complicated process, we are here to assist you. Our team of compassionate attorneys at Campiche Andrews Horne PLLC provides a free no-obligation consultation to help you out. Don't hesitate to give us a call.

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